Are You a Real Ghost?
Chet Turnbeaugh Chet Turnbeaugh

Are You a Real Ghost?

Interview conducted by Stephen King

King: I’ve used magical realism to embellish upon the truth a time or two in my day, but I’ve got to ask: are you a real ghost and if so what type of ghost are you?

Chet: I’m very real and I’m a ghost writer.

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How Much Do Ghostwriting Services Cost?
Chet Turnbeaugh Chet Turnbeaugh

How Much Do Ghostwriting Services Cost?

As Explained by Tom Robbins

If Ghosted Books can’t write it, then it can’t be done. Writing a book is the most difficult service on Earth. After writing several I can tell you, the ancient fella by the name of Sisyphus with his little boulder and the steep uphill snow-covered mountain had it easy.

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Why Use a Ghostwriter?
Chet Turnbeaugh Chet Turnbeaugh

Why Use a Ghostwriter?

Written by Don Draper

Ghostwriting is based on one thing: happiness. And do you know what happiness is? Happiness is the smell of a printed book hot off the press.

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What is the Writing Process?
Chet Turnbeaugh Chet Turnbeaugh

What is the Writing Process?

As Explained by Ernest Hemingway

He drank five scotches per hour on days when he was writing and when he wasn’t drunk he was fixated on drinking, unless of course he was writing, which he always did sober. 

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Why use Ghosted Books as my Hired Quill?
Chet Turnbeaugh Chet Turnbeaugh

Why use Ghosted Books as my Hired Quill?

Elaborated by Virginia Woolf

The thought of already being a published author haunted my every waking thought, infringing upon my very spirit both day and night…

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Who is Chet Turnbeaugh?
Chet Turnbeaugh Chet Turnbeaugh

Who is Chet Turnbeaugh?

Written by F. Scott Fitzgerald

In my younger and more vulnerable years, long before Gatsby, there was Chet...

His backstory was something of a mystery that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. 

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What is the Investigative Process?
Chet Turnbeaugh Chet Turnbeaugh

What is the Investigative Process?

As Recounted by Hunter S. Thompson

There we were jettisoned between a man in a black trench coat and a slightly taller, more spindly man, in a tawny brown suit jacket. Our minds twisting and turning in poetic form about some hooligan’s comments spoken to us a moment before as we waded through the turnstiles and boarded the subway train…

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