Why Use a Ghostwriter?

Written By Don Draper

Ghostwriting is based on one thing: happiness. And do you know what happiness is? Happiness is the smell of a printed book hot off the press. It’s freedom from writer’s block, it’s freedom from not being a good writer, or feeling like you can’t do it. Happiness is a billboard advertising your book that screams with reassurance from the side of the road that what you’ve created is a work of art. Your company is a work of art. You are a work of art.

In ghostwriting they sell one thing: you. You are the product. You feel something. You write a book about it, and that’s what sells. 

People want to be told what to do so badly, they’ll listen to anyone. Don’t.

In this business, listen to Chet, because he cares about your success. Success comes from standing out, not from fitting in.

Chet doesn’t write books that fit in, it’s not his style. He only takes on winners. 


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