What is the Writing Process?

As explained by Ernest Hemingway

He drank five scotches per hour on days when he was writing and when he wasn’t drunk he was fixated on drinking, unless of course he was writing, which he always did sober. He never drank before he’d finished his writing. Wait...

Maybe that was me. 

The ghostwriter is not someone who writes a book for someone else. He is a writer, just like any other, who takes the skeleton of a book composed of detailed notes, first drafts, outlines, and client transcripts obtained by phone call, to turn it into a fully formed book. 

It is a very straightforward and elegant process. The ghost knows how to convey the ideas and concepts into a book. The client provides him all of the content to fill it. 

It is very much a process of self-discovery for the client as much as it is a service for them. They learn much more about themselves through seeing their book brought to life—more than they could ever know beforehand. Ghostwriting changes their life and what they are able to achieve as a result of committing to the work. 


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