Are You a Real Ghost?

[Full Transcript Conducted 3:33 AM 10/31/2020]

Stephen King: I’ve used magical realism to embellish upon the truth a time or two in my day, but I’ve got to ask: are you a real ghost and if so what type of ghost are you?

Chet: I’m very real and I’m a ghost writer. 

King: You know The Shining was my first National Bestseller and it was based on a Shirley Jackson novel that is a ghost story. It wasn’t based on you was it? 

Chet: Boo.

King: I’ve used extensive symbolism in my writing, in novels such as The Green Mile, what are you symbolic of?

Chet: A ghostwriter is symbolic of being invisible “behind-the-scenes” in that I help bring books to life, but I don’t claim them as my own. I don’t share in the life of the book. I don’t get paid based on how well the book sells, or which publisher you choose. I only care about the creation of the best book possible. Ghosts also represent unfinished business, and most of my clients all hire me to help them finish their books.

King: Why do you do what you do, Chet?

Chet: I love writing. I consider myself a logophile and a bit of a wordsmith. I enjoy sharing my confidence with the written word, with other people and giving their thoughts a voice. So many of my clients have brilliant ideas, are excellent speakers and thinkers, but writing isn’t their forte. I feel honored every time a burgeoning writer trusts me with to help them become a published author. 

King: I once wrote that “a good novelist realizes he is a secretary, not God.” Since you’re on the other side...are you omniscient?

Chet: No, I’m not special, I’m still a living, breathing human. 

King: Wait... if you aren’t dead are you even an actual ghost? 

Chet: No, I’m just a ghostwriter. 

King: Oh…

Chet: ...but I have been dying to meet you.

King: I think my fans would enjoy this a lot more if you were a real ghost…it’s sort of my brand, you know? 

Chet: I’m sorry to disappoint. You could just make up a story about me being dead. 

King: I am a professional novelist. I don’t just make up stories about dead people in my free time.

Chet: Um...are you serious? 

King: Dead serious.

Chet: I could just use Tabitha on my website instead if you’d--

King: My wife, Tabitha King? Please don’t do that Chet. 

Chet: Okay, Stephen King. I may not be a real ghost, but what I do is pretty scary. 

King: How so? Elaborate. 

Chet: Well, I write in the voice and style of my clients, and sometimes…

King: Yes? Go on. 

Chet: Sometimes…

King: Tell me! (furiously scribbling)

Chet: I start hearing their voices inside my head. Sometimes, I feel like these voices are possessive, especially when dealing with possessive adjectives and pronouns

King: ...

Chet: It was a grammar joke. 

King: (Beams with delight.)

Chet: Are you beaming with delight, Stephen King? 

King: No.

Chet: I can tell you’re beaming with delight.

King: I’m not. I am beaming with fright.

Chet: I just wrote that you are beaming with delight.

King: Well, I’m not.

Chet: If you aren’t going to follow the script his interview is over--

King: You can’t just end this intervi----

(End of Interview Transcript)


How Much Do Ghostwriting Services Cost?